BOOK-IT direct - let's keep it simple, let's keep it direct!

Most people today know that hotels ended up depending more and more on external OTAs(Online travel agencies) and platforms in general. The deal is quite simple: The hotel pays a percentage of each booking that comes through those platforms back to the OTA as a commission. This makes sense for all the new guests discovering the business through the platform. But continuing to pay a fee for recurring or frequent guests is something we feel is not necessary. Therefore we want to encourage our guests to book directly and help them and us to be able to offer our services at the best price for them and to invest the saved money into improving our services and not unneceassary marketing fees. The benefits for direct bookings will be:

  • Best prices available only through our homepage or via mail
  • Seasonal promotions like discounts from nearby businesses
  • Season packages including credits for our BOOK-IT bikes
  • And of course: Direct support from the BOOK-IT team

Let's keep it simple, let's keep it direct!

Your BOOK-IT team