The Green line

We are transforming the everyday to create a better tomorrow


Energy from certified renewable sources


Of the consumption produced on our own buildings


Less energy consumption through the usage of LED

Our mission

"At BOOK-IT apartments sustainability is tradition. In 2006 we built the first photovoltaic system on the roof of our med apart and started using grey water for the toilets. In the meantime the whole world knows, that we have to make a drastic change in order for us to leave our future generations a healthy and life worthy planet. We at BOOK-IT apartments want to live up to this responsibility and contribute our part. That is why we set ourselves ambitious environmental and social goals. We are convinced that we can only achieve those goals if we stay open to constant change and innovation. That's why we will continuously report about our activities through this homepage and our new social media channel. We hope, that this will make our efforts transparent and maybe also inspirational for other companies to follow our example. We took the ESG standards of the European Union as our guiding star which puts the efforts in three big buckets: Environment, Social and Governance."

The BOOK-IT apartments team


-We plan to achieve 100% climate neutral operation of our buildings in 2025
-We will further strengthen climate friendly micro mobility at our properties
-We will nourish bio diversity at all of our properties
-We want to rely primarily on solar energy
-We will continuously switch to sustainable textile choices


-We will continue to offer apartments for refugees
-We will continue to support a diverse work environment through flexible work models
-We support people with migration background to achieve German language knowledge and integrate easier
-We focus on equal pay and gender equality


-We try to just consider partners that offer local and sustainable choices wherever possible
-We guarantee minimum wage and a fair pay structure throughout the organization

The BOOK-IT Green Line is our answer to consistent change. We are constantly trying to find ways to make our company and services more sustainable. Step by step we are walking towards our goals on a green line. Feel free to follow us and our efforts.

July 2024




BOOK-IT bikes have arrived

BOOK-IT goes mobility- Why we started a ride sharing service

Read more about our vision to support climate neutral mobility

Sign up illustration

January 2024




Coming soon: BOOK-IT rides

We are planning a bike sharing service

Sign up illustration

December 2023




Coming soon: new pv system on the historic Apart

We are currently planning to build a photovoltaic system on the historic Apart

Sign up illustration

December 2023




Bike repair stations for everybody

You will find now bike repair stations at all of our locations!

Sign up illustration

February 2023





Electric vehicle charging in the first Apart garage

Electric vehicle charging in the first Apart

Sign up illustration

September 2022



water consumption

Sustainable body wash and soap

We are switching the old hygienic products to more sustainable products

Sign up illustration

March 2022





Offering apartments to refugees

We support people running from war in Ukraine

Sign up illustration

February 2018




Climate neutral mobility

We believe in climate friendly mobility

Sign up illustration
Check out all our green initiatives