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BOOK-IT bikes have arrived

BOOK-IT bikes have arrived

Why we started a bike sharing service to support micro mobility

Starting a bike sharing service as an apartment company is probably not something you see everyday. Nevertheless we believe it's the right answer to the growing demand of micro mobility in our area and our efforts for a greener and more eco friendly community.

In the area around the BOOK-IT apartments many of our guests struggle to find a vehicle in order to get them around town and explore Erlangen. This is mainly due to the fact, that the Röthelheimpark is an area outside the city center, which makes it relatively unattractive to mobility provider, since it won't create a significant demand for micro mobility. Especially for our guests there is a demand to quickly rent a bike and get somewhere like the city center and back to their apartment. The chance of finding a bike in front of the building is quite low.

We wanted to close that gap while making the most of the offered vehicles, meaning, opening them up to the community and our guests. The drop off zone will always stay at our properties which will ensure that guests can access them easily.

BOOK-IT bikes is our contribution to better mobility for guests visiting our apartments but also for our employees, friends and neighbours to take a ride if they need one.